Welcome to the official Steinhatchee Ancient Oaks Property Owners Association, Inc. website. The purpose of this site is to keep property owners informed in all matters concerning the Association including current news, pictures, meeting notices, documents, runway closings, and upcoming events. We will make every effort to keep the website up to date and informative.
To move about the site, just click on the above menu items. Please note that most pages are password protected for members only EXCEPT for Home, Board of Directors, Pictures, and Bylaws Covenants & Deed Restrictions which are open to the general public. Members may contact the president for the password.
Contact the Association president at AncientOaks323@gmail.com.
Ancient Oaks Annual Meeting- January 11, 2025, 1PM, Steinhatchee Community Center
Runway Status:
12/12/2024- THE RUNWAY IS OPEN
The Association finally purchased a tractor. If you would like to volunteer to fix roads and clean out ditches, let us know. Thanks.